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Rscit old paper with answer dec. 2018 , Rscit Most Question

Rscit Old Paper with Answer dec 2018

1.      What is Data ?

         (A)  The raw, unprocessed facts, including text, image, numbers and sound.
         (B)  It is a set of programs.
       (C)  It is a hardware device which includes keyboard, mouse, monitor etc.
         (D)  It is the 2nd generation of computer.

2.      Which of the following charts contains only one chart data series and all the values should be positive for this type of chart in MS-Excel 2010?
         (A)  Line Chart              (B) Pie Chart
         (C)  Dark Chart            (D) Light Chart
3.      Which of the following is NOT a Pointing Device ?
         (A)  Mouse                    (B) Touch Pad
         (C)  Track Point            (D) CRT Monitor

4.      …… a service model, in  which data are maintained, managed, backed up remotely and made available to users over a network.
         (A)  Artificial Intelligence
         (B)  Virtual Net
         (C)  Cloud Storage
         (D)  Core i3

5.      Which of the following is closely related to locality of reference ?
         (A)  Hard Drive
         (B)  Cache Memory
         (C)  CD-RW
         (D)  Joystick

6.      Daisy wheel is a type of:
         (A)  Matrix Printer       (B) Impact Printer
         (C)  Non-Impact Printer(D) Thermal Printer

7.      Which data type is used to create a field that is based on a calculation of other field in the same table in MS-Access ?
         (A)  Attachment            (B) Calculated
         (C)  Text                        (D) Date/Time

8.      1GB =
         (A)  1 nillion byte          (B) 1 million byte
         (C)  10 mega byte         (D) 100mega byte

9.      Which of the following is a valid example of e-wallet?
         (A)  Drop Box               (B) Way to SMS
         (C)  Monster India        (D) PayTM

10.    How computers are used in doing homework for school children ?
         (A)  By creating documents, excel worksheets and using internet.
         (B)  By creating digital ads and scheduling     meeting.
         (C)  By watching online Bollywood movies     videos.
         (D)  There is no use of computers for school children.

11.    What is the use of 3-D Printer ?
         (A)  Manufactures physical objects.
         (B)  Prints the 3-D object on A-4 size paper.
         (C)  Navigates 3-D maps on the computer      monitor.
         (D)  To see the 3-D movie on the Projector.

12.    ________inputs a URL of the desired resource and displays it in Web Browser.
         (A)  Home Button         (B) Status Bar
         (C)  Address Bar           (D) Stop Button

13.    What is the correct example of URL ?

14.    What is the use of applying Header & Footer to a document ?
         (A)  It is used to link a webpage or outside     documents.
         (B)  It is used to incorporate text into a          document that is repeated on each page      link company name and page number.
         (C)  It is used to change the Theme and Page            Background of the document.
         (D)  It is used to identify a location or a          selection of text that you name and identify for future reference.

15.    In MS-Word 2010, you can create small letters above the line of the text using…….
         (A)  Grow Front             (B) Shrink Front
         (C)  Subscript                (D) Superscript

16.    ­­­­­________is used to divide the current window into two parts so that you can view different section of the same document at the same time.
         (A)  Macros                   (B) Split Window
         (C)  New Window          (D) Gridlines

17.    In MS-Excel 2010, you can import the data from:
         (A)  MS-Access database(B) Web Pages
         (C)  Text File                 (D) All of the above

18.    Match the following:
MS-Word 2010
MS-Excel 2010
MS-PowerPoint 2010
MS-Access 2010
         Choose the correct match from the following:
(A)     I-S, II-Q, III-P, IV-R
(B)     I-S, II-P, III-Q, IV-R
(C)     I-R, II-Q, III-P, IV-S
(D)    I-R, II-P, III-Q, IV-S

19.    Statement 1: New Technology File System     is the full form of NTFS.
         Statement 2: Cell is an intersection of rows    and columns in MS-Excel.
         Choose the appropriate option from the          following:
(A)  Statement 1 is CORRECT and Statement 2 is INCORRECT.
(B)  Statement 1 is INCORRECT and Statement 2 is CORRECT.
(C)  Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are INCORRECT.
(D) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are CORRECT.

20.    Which of the following is NOT a valid             example of an Operating System ?
         (A)  Linux
         (B)  Google Chrome
         (C)  MS-DOS
         (D)  Google Android

21.    Choose the most appropriate option from       the following:-
         (A)  Debit cards and Credit cards can be                    used in Electronic Payment System.
         (B)  OMR stands for Only Magnatic                          Reader.
         (C)  Skype is an example of system                            software.
         (D)  The output quality of printer is                             measured in Hz.

22.    While sending an email, _______ describes    the contents of the message.
         (A)  To                           (B) Subject
         (C)  Attachments           (D) Bcc

23.    __________key enables you to delete the      character(s) to the right of the cursor?
         (A)  End                         (B) Backspace
         (C)  Delete                    (D) Home

24.    The option in Control Panel by which we         can manage the energy consumption of the             device is:
         (A)  Power Option         (B) Internet Option
         (C)  Electricity Option  (D) Mail Merge

25.    Suppose the contents of the worksheet is       such that when you take the printout it         will be in multiple pages and now you                 want to shrink the printout of the same        workheet into one page in MS-Excel 2010,        then we use
         (A)  No Scaling
         (B)  Fit Sheet on One Page
         (C)  Fit Sheet on Multiple Pages
         (D)  Merge and Center

26.    _________ is a special security system           designed to protect an organization’s           network against external threat.
         (A)  Narrow Band         (B) Voice Band
         (C)  Firewall                  (D) Broad Band

27.    Which of the following is NOT the advantage of Primary Key ?
         (A)  It is automatically indexed, which                         makes information recovery faster.
         (B)  It avoids the entry of duplicate data in                 table.
         (C)  It consists of only one field that                            uniquely identifies each record in a              table.
         (D)  All are the advantages of Primary                        Key.

28.    What is the use of Snap Assist in Windows     10 ?
         (A)  You can run multiple apps on  the                         single screen with multiple windows              i.e. you can write a document in one                     window, watch your tweeted feed in              another and so on.
         (B)  You can control your PC with your                       voice.
         (C)  You can get your files from anywhere, on any device.
         (D)  You can do the video call.

29.    Suppose you download an excel file from internet and you open in MS-Excel 2010 it will first open in:
         (A)  Private View          (B) Public View
         (C)  Backstage View     (D) Protected View

30.    Which of the following configuration options are relateed to Devices setting menu in Setting App Window in Window 10 ?
         (A)  Change Background Image and color
         (B)  Region, speech and time option.
         (C)  Manage WiFi, Airplane Mode and                      VPN.
         (D)  Bluetooth, printers and                                         mouse/keyboard

31.    __________ is a type of wired cable that consist of a center wire surrounded by insulation and then grounded shield of braided wire.
         (A)  Twisted Pair           (B) Co-axial
         (C)  Optical Fiber          (D) None of the above

32.    Select the most appropriate option from the following:
         (A)  Ctrl + X is used for Cut operation and                             Ctrl + P is used for Paste operation in                  MS-Word 2010.
         (B)  Ctrl + C is used for Cut operation and                             Ctrl + is used for Paste operation in                     MS-Word 2010.
         (C)  Ctrl + S is used for Save operation and                           Ctrl + U is used for Save as operation in        MS-Word 2010.
         (D)  Ctrl + Z is used for Undo operation and               Ctrl + Y I used for Redo operation in                         MS-Word 2010.

33.    Which of the following are in the categories of social networking websites ?
         (A)  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
         (B)  Google, Yahoo and Alexa
         (C)  Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and                               Chrome.
         (D)  Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal

34.    Statement 1: Title bar appears at the bottom of the program window and displays information about  the database and provides access to certain program function.
         Statement 2: Status bar appears at the top of the program window and deisplays the name of database file and file path.
         Choose the appropriate option from the following:
(A)  Statement 1 is CORRECT and Statement 2 is INCORRECT.
(B)  Statement 1 is INCORRECT and Statement 2 is CORRECT.
(C)  Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are INCORRECT.
(D) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are CORRECT.

35.      Select the arrangement of theNetwork Type            in ascending order based on size and span.
           (A) PAN < LAN < MAN < WAN
           (B) PAN < LAN < WAN < MAN
           (C) LAN < PAN < MAN < WAN
           (D) PAN < MAN < LAN < WAN


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