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Rscit Old Paper With New Syllabus , Rscit Important Question

Rscit Old Paper With New Syllabus

September 2018 Rscit Paper With Answer (hindi & English)

      1.   Which type of software typically supports the computer to manage its internal resources?
a)  Application Software
b)  System Software
c)   Word Processor
d)  Presentation application

2.   ______________is a way for microsoft Word 2010 to keep track of the changes you make to a document.
a)  Track changes
b)  Bullets
c)   Macros
d)  Template

3.   What is the full form of BIOS?
a)  Binary input output system
b)  Basic input output system
c)   Binary  1 0 system
d)  Basic 10 System

4.   Which shortcut key is used to stop a slideshow of a presentation?
a)  F5
b)  F6
c)   ESC
d)  DEL

5.   Which application enables you to create efficient slideshow presentations?
a)  MS Excel
b)  MS Outlook
c)   MS Powerpoint
d)  MS Paint

6.   You can switch the page between portrait and landscape layout in MS Word 2010 using:
a)  Orientation shortcut
b)  Margin Shortcut
c)   Size Shortcut
d)  Columns Shortcut

7.   Which is an example of optical disk?
a)  Hard Disk
b)  ROM
c)   RAM
d)  CD-R

8.   Each node is connected to a single cable by the help of interface connector in-
a)  Bus topology
b)  Ring topology
c)   Star topology
d)  Mesh topology

9.   A Website is hosted on a computer system known as
a)  Chrome browser
b)  Router
c)   Web server
d)  Web browser

10.       Which of the following are correct examples of pointing devices?
a)  Trackball, Touchpad and Mouse
b)  Motherboard and Processor
c)   Monitor, Printer, headphone and Speakers
d)  Hard disk and Pen drive

11.       ______________is the network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity which enables the object to collect and exchange data over the cloud.
a)  Li-Fi
b)  IoT
c)   Drone
d)  MS-Word2010

12.       Which is the valid example of IP address?
c)   C:\example\exam
d)  44::98::77::12::88

13.       Which Windows 10 basic application can be used to capture a screenshot of any object on your screen?
a)  Math input panel
b)  Windows mobility center
c)   Snipping tool
d)  Calculator

14.       What do you mean by resolution of the Monitor?
a)  It is a maximum numbers of pixel that monitor can display horizontally and vertically.
b)  It is an input device used to input audio data into  a computer.
c)   It translates analog Signal to digital signal.
d)  It provides information in a permanent readable format also known as hard copy.

15.       _________________printer form the image of the page by spraying small droplets of ink from the printer head.
a)  Dot Matrix
b)  Daisy Wheel
c)   Chain
d)  Inkjet

16.       What is the difference between pressing ctrl+x and ctrl+c buttons in MS-Word 2010?
a)  Ctrl+x is used to paste the text and ctrl+c is used to copy the text.
b)  Ctrl+x is used to cut the text and Ctrl+c is used to copy the text.
c)   Ctrl+x is used to copy text and Ctrl+c is used to cut text.
d)  Ctrl+x is used to select the text and ctrl+c is used to copy the text.
17.       _______________________ are used to incorporate text into a document that is repeated on each page.
a)  Mail Merge
b)  Bookmarks and Hyperlinks
c)   Save and Save as
d)  Header and Footer

18.       Which of the following function returns length of the text string in MS-Excel 2010?
a)  SUM
c)   LEN

19.       ____________Networks uses central computers to coordinate and supply services to other nodes on the network.
a)  Client Server
b)  Peer to Peer
c)   Twisted Pair
d)  Coaxial Cable

20.       You can create appointment, arrange meetings and manage your time using __________view in Outlook 2010.
a)  Mail
b)  Design
c)   Backup
d)  Calendar

21.       Which of the following is malicious to your computer system?
a)  Virus
b)  Antivirus
c)   Firewall
d)  Update and security

22.       Select the most correct statement from the following:
a)  Bluetooth has higher communication range than Wi-Fi.
b)  Coaxial cable consists of two independent insulated wires twisted around each other.
c)   Microsoft one drive is cloud based file sharing system.
d)  None of the above is correct.

23.       What is YouTube?
a)  It is a video sharing and video search website which allows users to upload, view and share videos.
b)  It is an electronic mail, by which user can exchange digital messages from one or more recipents.
c)   It is an application that specifies in providing video chats and voice calls.
d)  It is used for buying and selling goods and services by Electronic Commerce.

24.       How can you write an email message in G-mail?
a)  By clicking on Inbox
b)  By clicking on compose.
c)   By clicking on Spam.
d)  By clicking on Outbox.
25.       After inserting a bookmark in a document, you can refer that bookmark from other place in text by creating___________to the bookmark.
a)  Cross reference
b)  Hyperlink
c)   Header Footer
d)  Mail Merge

26.       In which chart the data points are connected with lines making it easy to see whether values are increasing or decreasing over time in MS Excel 2010?
a)  Stock Chart
b)  Line Chart
c)   Bubble Chart
d)  Doughnut chart

27.       Which of the following option insert ghosted image behind the content in MS Word 2010?
a)  Hibernation’
b)  Indentation
c)   Watermark
d)  Orientation

28.       _________ is the Microsoft voice powered personal assistant that is launched with Windows 10OS?
a)  Cortana
b)  Microsoft Edge
c)   Multiplt desktop
d)  Disk Cleanup

29.       How can you close a presentation? Select the most appropriate option from the following:

a)  Click on file tab and then click on close option.
b)  Click on the close button that appears at the top right of the Powerpoint window.
c)   Use the keyboard shortcut key Ctrl+W.
d)  All the options are correct.

30.       What is the use of filtering records in MS-Access 2010?
a)  It allows you to view only the data you want to see and work on.
b)  It allows you to write a mail to the respective recipent.
c)   It will change the page orientation.
d)  It deletes all the records.

31.       Which of the following animation effect that draws an attention to an object by making an object shrink or grow in size, change colour or a spinning on its center in MS Powerpoint 2010?
a)  Entrance effect
b)  Exit  Effect
c)   Emphasis Effect
d)  Motion Path effect

32.       You can create a new database in
a)  MS Outlook 2010
b)  MS Powerpoint 2010
c)   MS Excel 2010
d)  MS Access 2010

33. provides
a)  Buisness to buisness E-Commerce environment.
b)  Buisness to customer E-Commerce environment.
c)   Customer to customer E-Commerce environment.
d)  None of the above.

34.       Which of the following holds icon for program currently running in background in Windows 10?
a)  System tray
b)  Power Button
c)   Account option
d)  Microsoft Edge

35.       What is the use of screencast?
a)  It helps to protect you and your device from unsafe web content or malicious software.
b)  It is used to wirelessly push or mirror your screen and audio to a remote screen or monitor.
c)   It is used to get free mobile apps and games in windows store.
d)  It is used to search a place to get directions, buisness information and reviews.


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